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I want to be an engineer,i want to get good grades in all the subject i want to read more than 20 books

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Dear Ynah, Hi. This is your former self. Ten years ago I wrote you a letter. It's in your Impressionist stationery box. I hope you still have that box. Anyway, this is just a reminder, hoping...

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May 30, 2020 (day 612) Good morning, love. Let me start with a song lyric: Wise men say only fools rush in but I can't help falling in love with you. And I guess now you could say I'm a...

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Hi future LUIS, How are you?Do you\'re at university or are you working already?I hope you succeed. Do you have a girlfriend or are you single?Are you famous?if you are famous are you rich?Are...

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I made this thank you note for u. Dear Bayu. Thank you for having me and staying with all my annoying things for the last 2 years. Thank you for stay healthy and keep your hard work in any kind...

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