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Hey there! It's your birthday! I got lego, puzzles,shoes,basketball ball for my birthday! We played hide and seek. How is year four going? What is you're highest mark? Too: Mitya Losev...

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Labas, Livetuke! Net neįsivaizduoju kada, kaip ir kur tu gausi šį laiškutį ir ar išvis gausi, bet labai tikiuosi:D Rašau tau tai 2013 07 03, šilta vasaros diena,:D Šiaip, kad...

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Sveika, Inesa, iš ateities! Na, tau jau 23 metai. Nemažai sakyčiau. :) Tikiuosi laikaisi gerai ir pasiekei viską, ko norėjai (o svajonių juk turėjai labai daug). Ar dar prisimeni 2011...

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Happy birfy megan, i decided to write one of these to you too even though it doesnt really make sense for your birthday. basically im writing this on the 16th Nov on a website that will send you...

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Dear Future Mathieu, How\\\'re you doin? In the time youre writing this, there are a lot of things going through your mind. I dont know if by now youll know where youre going or what you want to...

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