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Dear me, This year I start grade 9 and I’m not so excited because I love being able to sleep all day and do things I like to during days. But after this year I’m going to leave...

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Дорогая моя! Волшебница! Поздравляю тебя - ты стала мамой здорового малыша!!! Как я рада за тебя! Желаю тебе...

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Honestly, you should've spent less time on Minecraft and made your bed more. How many more classes did you procrastinate in? Get off the computer and on the piano. Did you learn to cook yet? Do...

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Labas, Sūnau, rašau tau vėlų vakarą (tu ir sesė turbūt jau miegat). Noriu, kad žinotum - labai, labai tave myliu ir visada mylėsiu, kad ir kas benutiktų, kad ir kaip bepasielgtum. Aš...

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xs v

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