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Hi Dear, Surprise! It's 30th October 2015 when I am typing this to you and you will only receive this 10 years later. Haha. I wanted to do this with you, but as usual, you're sleeping and I'm...

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Maybe if they still brought people in this year still and even if I did hire somebody to help to make sure I do what is right for me and my future so I can hopefully be around in that other year...

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Ну рассказывай, как твои дела? Что в твоей жизни поменялось, на какую работу устроилась, пошла ли учиться?...

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I would get jealous of how people don't acknowledge me for my good side and pay attention to my sister, but my love is greater than my jealousy. Who acts like a small child. I am scared that my...

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Labas Migle,čia rašo ta pati Miglė,tik 5 metais jaunesnė. Šiuo metu studijuoju viešajį administravimą,tikiuosi po 5 metų jau būsiu baigusi bakalaurą. Vis dar gyvenu su tevais. Dabar...

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