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Draga mea, La mulţi ani! Cum e la 25 de ani? Sper că nu mă faci de râs! Că te-ai angajat, că ai luat licenţa cu bine, că ai terminat şi masterul..Cu dragostea cum e? Incă mai cauţi?...

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happy bday crodi, ez crodi pce out big man big money chase the bag -abhir from past

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So, I (that's you) am writing this letter on March the 10th. And I want to wish you (that's me) a happy birthday. That's about it, really. I don't know when this letter will arrive. But you...

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Привет! Ну как ты там в будущем? Настали ли тяжелые времена? Начались ли великие потрясения? Жив ли ты? Если...

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