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Hey there! It's your birthday! I got lego, puzzles,shoes,basketball ball for my birthday! We played hide and seek. How is year four going? What is you're highest mark? Too: Mitya Losev...

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Labas, Mantai! Nežinau, ar visdar esame kartu ar jau visai pamiršęs mane. :) Tiesiog įdomu parašyti tau, nes šiuo metu (2011 m.) mes bandome kažką lipdyti. Prabuvome 2 metus, tada taip...

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Sveikas, ateities aš :) Su 29-uoju gimtadieniu! Šį laišką parašei 2011.09.30 po VDU Open Party BlackPearle, nes buvai gan pachmelingas ir neturėjai ką veikt laukdamas darbo. Gyvenimas...

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Привеееет!! Хорошо закончила школу???? Смогла сделать свою игру?? Может наконец то купила электрогитару?? Или...

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Dear FutureMe, It is currently the last week of the Summer 2020 semester as I write this. Matt and I leave for the keys on Wednesday. We recently resigned our lease for another year. I am...

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