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dear future self. This is really cool and look back at this moment and remember you need to do better and be happy with your life.

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Dear Axel i hope you are fine Today I want to tell you that you are a brave and kind person, that even if you feel that you need someone by your side remember that you have your family and...

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Labas sakau sau ir savo vyrui, šis laiškas turėtų būti išsiųstas mūsų pirmųjų vestuvių metinių proga, kai dabar ant palangės žydinčios gėlės jau bus nuvytusios, dovanų kuponai...

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Hi Max how's it going? How's life? Is it rain there when you receive this? Just a quick heads up, I wrote this letter to you, my future self, 10 years ago out of bore, really. The weather was...

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