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Dear (Relative Future) Self, Congratulations bro, you\'re almost done with college! I can\'t believe I\'m even thinking about that right now, I\'m just on the edge of graduating from high school...

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Ti ricordi di questo periodo? Stavi cercando di creare la tua impresa. Quanto tempo speso a scrivere il BP, a fare calcoli, a incazzarti con Word ti apriva il doc di Neonisi e crashava. Ma ce...

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Некогда не забывай свою религию Пожелеешь Начни изучать свою религию больше делай намаз не пропуская его...

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Miela,Beatričė Štai aš rašau tau laišką.Ir man tai yra labai keista. Nes šis laiškas nekažkokiam kita žmogui ,bet man. Tai aišku gavai šį laišką, dabar ir noriu paklausti...

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remember this.. Old Friend, “How do I love? And how do I want to be loved back?” I was asked that question but I was not able to give my answer. I was totally astounded by what...

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