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Taigi su gimtadieniu! :) Lai gimtadienis gražus kviečia mus visus į šventę Ir kartu palieka mus su jaunyste gražia. Tai diena kada mes prmą kartą pamatėme pasaulį, Tai pati...

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Merry Christmas bb

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Hey you smug son of a bitch yeah I'm talking to you Jordan By this time you better have at least one degree working on another and have a beast ass job. You also better have a minor and have...

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Dear Alexa, Right now we have a fairly optimistic outlook on life and I hope that hasn’t changed. The only thing we are afraid of is social interactions. Which basically means that...

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привет, это я Вася из 2021 года, надеюсь тебе придет это письмо через 5 лет, я закопал капсулу времени (на самом...

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