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Hey hoora, how are you ? Did you get married ? What is your subject in collage ? Wich collage are you study? I hope you finished your English ;D date is 96.6.28 Are you still in Iran ? I cant...

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Labas, Lora, Prisimeni mane? Tai aš, 15 minučių nuo tavęs gyvenanti draugė, Rugilė. Vis dar neapsisprendžiu, kada tu turėtum gauti šį laišką, po kelių metų, tu visa tai...

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Hey future self! You'll probably you forgot you wrote this, because i'll probably forget in 5 minutes. You just wrote one of these in English class, filled with a bunch of random stuff. I think you...

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Dear Kae, How are you? Another year added to your life eh? You have officially spent half of your life in Canada! In case you have forgotten, remember to be thankful of all the thing you are...

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On this day that you receive this letter, if circumstances permits you, play Canon in D for that person. And make this promise: Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on...

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