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Dear future self: Ten years ago, you lived in a world where it was impossible to escape the media, alongside with marketing and advertising. I do not see any possibilities that there will be any...

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Liaaaaaaaaaabaz mazuli Mano vardas Liukaz. Sulaukiau 66 metų. Bet kai kurie Debilai manimi netiki ir sako, kad aš mėgstu buti pedofilas. Kiti Asilai sako, kad ir Tavęs nėra, kad tu esi tik...

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Labas labas labas.!! Neturiu ir nežinau, ką daug rašyti, nes viskas, ko negaliu pamiršti, ką visada turiu prisiminti, visi nuotykiai ir visa kita, yra surašyti dienoraščiuose. Tik niekada...

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I wanna know if you're laughin' or if you're sad.IF YOU'RE HAPPY GO ******' HARDCORE!

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At this point, camp is over. I am writing the day before my last year of camp, I am so excited. I also think that I will be excited for what I am doing when I get this letter. Hope fully a second...

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