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亲爱的李椰子: 不知两年后你现在的心情怎么样。。

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Dear Ratnakar 5 year have been completed today since i have send you the mail.. it was raining that day , the day before we had a party of UNICEF arrange by Yuraj chavan. in ocean bliss....

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Dear future me, I was writing more than usual today and had uncommon thoughts coming to me like running horses. I was not especially happy but just full of emotions, I had plans for the future...

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Sveika :) šiuo metu jau turėtum būt rezidentė (tikiuosi neišmetė ir pati nemetei medicinos, nes prieš 6 metus tau ji patiko). Spėėėėėju...neurologija? Kaip bebūtų ir kur gyvenimas...

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Labas ,Guodele :)Patys didžiausi sveikinimai,Tau nuo taves tavo gimtadienio proga!!rašau Tau 2013.07.18. na ir žinai,šiandien tavo gyvenimas tobulas. Tu turi viską,apie ką kiti gali tik...

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