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Labas Germantai. Tau laiškas iš praeities, tai yra 2011.09.28 09:22. Čia rašo Jonas. Noriu pranešti kad tu esi storulis ;/// blemba EIK PASPORTUOT!!! peace out!

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Greetings I know that strong things are probably going to happen but I hope you have been able to cope as well as possible yes, take care my good friend after all, I am you from a year ago haha,...

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I Still love You Mancee :) Will You Marry Me? Plz plz plz plz

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Swaleha <3 zoo wee mama

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Sveikas, Audriau, Nesistebėk ir smarkiai nesidžiauk laišku, tiesiog, vykdyk nurodymus, nes rašei pats sau. Taigi, rašau į ateitį - kreipiuosi tik tam, kad pasakytum man reikalingus...

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