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Caro mattia ti scrivo nel 2020 il 20 gennaio 2020.In questo periodo hai pochi amici anzi,a cosimo,mauro e quelli della pineta,nessun'altro.Fai la 2 media e questa lettera ti arriverà (forse) in 1...

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I doubt that we will still be at this address in 2020, but Codi. I hope that you somehow see this, be it we are somehow still together, or somehow apart. I hope to marry you in the near future once...

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Camilla Cristina Gianluca vanno al bar e poi in piscina

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What did you do to have the body structure and ability of a professional dancer, and to have 1 million dollars cash in your bank from helping people and making art you love?

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Labas, Reda! Pasiilgau tavęs..tos, kuri buvo laiminga ir džiaugėsi gyvenimu. Su kuria per lietų valgiau avietes, gėriau karštą vyną, laikiau savam glėby. Praeitis. Žinau, kad pats...

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