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Dear the lovely Catelyn, I know you're probably busy marrying a millionaire, buying a new Bentley, looking for new curtains to go with the mansion you just bought, and taking care of your...

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hello sarvagya how are you hope that you would be fine and preparing well for your CA exams of may be enjoying your articleship.this letter is sent by to you to yourself via letter2future.com .

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You better have that linear algebra stuff down by now, or else I'll be mad. You also should have another internship under the belt, a girlfriend, and an AI that passes the Turing test. Your...

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Laaaaaaaabas, aš Saulenė xi xi taip aš rašau pati sau.:DDDD Tai va dabar aš šneku per skype su Juste ir rašom šitus laiškus.:DDD Tai va dabar mano svajonė yra tapti fotografe arba...

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Hola Sara del futuro, soy yo, Carlos, quien te escribe del pasado. :) (16/12/21) Quise escribir esta carta para desearte el mejor viaje, un gran viaje al futuro a través de la vida desde lo...

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