Labas rašau šį laišką 2013 birželio 29 dieną ,norėčiau pritapti prie naujų klasiokų šiais mokslo metais ,nes jau eisiu į 1 klasę (9) ,norėčiau turėti daugiau pinigų šiuo momentu...
Have you done anything with your life yet? How\'s the podcast? Get back to work.
Dear Shawn
Hey there. This email will probably never meet with your eyes but that's okay. I feel like within the timeframe I've known you I've learnt so much about myself. Knowing you ha...
test to see if this site really works and not some crap like futureme
Dear Senior Jack,
My definition of success is not having a big house, a boat, cars, and a big wallet. My definition of success is if you are happy and you know that you’ve accomplished...