Hello Future Me,
How's it going? You should probably get a job, as you will be fifteen when you get this, and you should take good care of your girlfriend Grace. I hope you are still with her,...
Dear Shawn
Hey there. This email will probably never meet with your eyes but that's okay. I feel like within the timeframe I've known you I've learnt so much about myself. Knowing you ha...
Labas aš Geistė man 8 metai. Mano mėgstamiausia spalva balta. Aš veriu auskarus ir sveikinu su gimtadieniu ;)))
Man labai patinka : Visi gyvūnėliai. Mano mėgstamiausia dainininkė : Katy...
Dear the Intelligent Miss Katrina Faith Wiegand,
By this time next year you will have found yourself in a new and more prosperous situation whether be it with money & job. Right now i am...
Привет рулон, это я jarry1419.
Я пишу тебе на будущие письмо 21 декабря 2022 00:38 часов. Ты так и не научился играть в...