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I hope you've stepped beyond mediocrity. Can you swim the 50m free under 35s? Push yourself, & go for under 30. How were your GCSEs? You should get your results soon, right. I'm expecting an A+...

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Keep calm and carry on. You're more important than you think, just do what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise -Your past self

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سلام. جایی که تو اکنون در آن ایستاده ای، چهل سالگی ات است یا چهل و یک سالگی. من خود توام. 10 سال پیش. روزهایی که...

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bruv when you walk in oof OAH nucc owo ainsley data:image/jpeg; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMSEhU QEhIVFRIVFRUQFRUQFRAVFRIVFRUWFxUSFRUYHSggGB0lGxUVI...

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have you found yourself?

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