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привет! мне стало скучно и я решил написать это письмо в будущее. сейчас 24.02.2023 00:44. я очень надеюсь что у тебя...

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hey whats up. School is almost here! hope every things going good. now remember be outgoing, confident and do all your work. alllll your work and i mean all. Also talk to people say hi in the...

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Labas, Tau vyras tik ka papasakojo apie galimybe parasyti paciai sau laiska i ateiti. Taigi, dabar yra 2011 09 15 22:26: as ir Giedrius sedim ant sofos namie priesais telika, Ugne uzmigdyta ant...

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UPDATE: 3:15 EST, Saturday, July 26, 2020 I fucking hate you. The idea of your existence makes me feel disgusted with myself and any time that I spent with or around you makes me wish I could...

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Labas, mama Kad ir kaip tai keistai atrodo, bet aš tau rašau 2012/08/26, tai yra 10 metų atgal. Kodėl? Kas žino. Atrodo, net nežinau,ką tau pasakyti. Tikiuosi, kad jautiesi gerai,...

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