Na ką gi, labas rytas :) o adreso klausiau prieš 5 metus :). Ačiū, kad nesufeilinot. Sufeilinsiu aš - kur mes ? :)
Dear 18 Year Old Me.
I Hope this has been delivered on your 18th birthday although it's probably early or late due to royal mail.
At The time of writing 29th May 2012 I am 15 years old. If...
Hey Josh,
What's up man!? I heard you have all A's and B's in school! That's awesome! I know you are going to have a great time in High School. Even though graduating High School seems like an...
Dear Me,
I am writing this e-mail on June 19th, 2021 and I should be reading this ten years from now. How am I? Do I still have the same Spotify playlist? How big is my Spotify playlist? Have...
Привет рулон, это я jarry1419.
Я пишу тебе на будущие письмо 21 декабря 2022 00:38 часов. Ты так и не научился играть в...