Sveikinu su gimtadieniu, tu jau PILNAMETIS!!! Party/troll hard!!!
Dear FutureMe,
Sami went to another school starting this year, Leaving me kinda alone. I do have friends, but they're just not the same. I don't know who to hang around at recess, I've just been...
Hi, future Aidan. Why don\\\\\\\'t I talk a little bit of my past-self , well present for me. I\\\\\\\'m currently 12 3/4 years old. I am in love with filmmaking. My dream is to move to LA to...
Labas, saulute :*
Tai štai, ką tik kalbėjome telefonu. Baisingai tavęs pasiilgau :) Šiandien (2011-10-28) tau pažadėjau, jog kitą mėnesį atvyksiu tavęs aplankyti ir eisime pažaisti...
Hi David,
I wrote this letter on 17/06/2013 (I have just ordered your birthday present :-S ). I wrote this on a website called letter2future.
I wanted to let you know how much I love you, I...