Dear Future Summit,
Hey, how ya been? By now you should've either graduated or will graduate soon. I'm pretty hopeful that we didn't mess it all up, but we'll see. Have you finally figured...
Некогда не забывай свою религию Пожелеешь Начни изучать свою религию больше делай намаз не пропуская его...
Hi,if u didn't get the chance to receive this letter then that only means that u finally did it. But if you're still alive, happy birthday (not like anyone would care), how are you? Are you still...
i just finished watching a hallmark movie (i didn't even see the title actually). This movie was about a New York copy editor who had a lot of fear, and about a photographer who had issues of...
Išaušo ta diena, kai galiu pats save nuoširdžiai pasveikinti su 25-uoju gimtadieniu! Rokai, tikiuosi visi tavo norai išsipildė, o kas neišsipildė, dar išsipildys. :) Rašau tau...