Dear Me!!!
I will marry with my love which i now her.My honeymoon will be Mexico City.I will have three child.I will be a musician, and i will be drive a car.My free times will be with my wife...
Dear Oren
Hey it's me Oren. I hope that I get my dream job. I also want my dream job still to be an accountant. I hope life will be easy. I hope that I will still be living in 1818 Montague Rd....
Ricordati di disattivare abbonamento a Repubblica, primo anno 12 euro, ma il secondo è 99 euro. Magari ti faranno un'altra offerta, ma per ora è 99, disattiva qualche giorno prima.
Hi. I don't know if you'll ever read this, but I just want to say everything that's on my mind to make myself a little bit better. Ayoko kasi marepress feelings ko. I want to send this to you kasi...
Прошло 10 лет, а я тебе в прошлом написал письмецо. Рядом со мной лежит Лизка..., дада, именно Лиза Хамидова)), ты...