Dear Angel;
I know you're doing the best you can.
I believe in you.
Keep going!
Always remember that I'm with you
Just few miss-calls away
Labas Germantai. Tau laiškas iš praeities, tai yra 2011.09.28 09:22. Čia rašo Jonas. Noriu pranešti kad tu esi storulis ;/// blemba EIK PASPORTUOT!!! peace out!
Hi sweetie,
It's been less than three months since you told me about her. The pain is less because slowly but surely I'm slowly accepting reality, that you chose her over me. Until now, I'm...
Дарова брателла!!! Ну как успехи в твои 19? Нашел себе девушку? Похудел? Я буду очень рад за тебя, если это так....