I'm Currently 25 years old, and living with David, and Amber. I Work at Internetconnection.com and COTG. Me and Amber broke up yesterday, which is fine. I am hoping I end up with Chrissy...
Dear FutureMe,
hey you been in love to someone and its the first time you also confess your feeling vice versa, i feel so fuckin kilig about it i dont know why it happen and i dont know how did...
Dabar tu jau didelė. Bet ar atsimeni tą garbanotą mergytę kuri amžinai meluodavo? Tai va čia aš labai mėgstu klausytis Lady Gag'os, skaitau knygą aukštyn laiptais...
Привет Я из 2026! Хочу узнать какие из наших целий ьы выполнела.
1) Стать популярной
2) Оставаться жить в...
29 March 2020
Hello there, Beautiful!
CONGRATULATIONS on making it up until your 40th!
I wonder how are you so different from me now. If life dealt you with so much on your plate,...