手紙がすでに送信されました : 21892
差出人: Aakash
作成 : 29-02-2020
送信されます : 29-02-2024
Dear FutureMe,

Writing as I sit at a couch in a tiny apartment of an amazing city of Singapore. Another leap year and another leap today. Go out tonight and drink champagne. Just. Just do it with someone this time. Enough of making so many leap days just "my days". Spend it with someone special will you?

The one in 2020 was a great one for you. You remember? You woke up after coming from Malaysia the day before. Waking up mid day from the Jet lag, and your dearest friend and roommate Rakesh making Chana Masala and rice for lunch, nothing can go wrong.Things are going pretty well at micro level. Its a hustle period. Laundry done. There is still some scare from coronavirus that is spreading. By the way, on this day in 2020, you saw an amazing animated short film "Hair Love". A nice pick.

Remember Aakash. You're a spunky, tall dude with a ton of attitude. Please don't ever change that. You are who I wanted to be, I hope.

I am proud of you because you may have gotten a great career for yourself, the one you're enjoying and learning and growing. Have you bought a car yet though? A curiosity nonetheless! But you need to fall in love bud. Yes, the time has come. I hope have already. I hope you're reading this with her. And I also hope you traveled to new places,made new friends, ate new food and many more things you ever imagined doing. Don't be afraid to try new things. Ever.

Why are we talking about good things only? Since when did life becoming so fair? Let's get sad a little bit, because its important. It's important to understand that you probably would have gone through a lot of challenges, got your heart broken, didn't get what you needed and you worked hard for it. Remember, hard times come and go. We all lose things, but sometimes it's for the greater good. Don't quit at life.

Let's bounce back to a more fond memory. An exact memory of a moment. A day ago, on 28 February 2020. You receive a text from Aakanksha on whatsapp. It goes:

"[2:15 PM, 2/28/2020] Aakanksha Agarwal: Can’t stop crying man. I’m at the part where Michelle’s dad passed away
[2:15 PM, 2/28/2020] Aakanksha Agarwal: It’s so painful but it’s so true."

She was reading a book which you gifted to her on her birthday. "Becoming" By Michelle Obama. The moment you read this text, something struck your mind, something very precise. You remember an excerpt from the book which you remember as soon as you saw her text, as written by Michelle Obama:
"I grew up with a disabled dad in a too-small house with not much money, in a starting to fail neighbourhood. and I also grew up surrounded by love and music in a diverse city in a country where an education can take you far. I had nothing or I had everything. It depends on which way you want to tell it."

Always remember and never forget. There are two ways of looking at anything. One way you will always feel like you are ugly end of the spectrum in this life and nothing good will ever happen to you. The other being, getting up, accepting it and moving on. Every time you are never going make right decisions. When that happens, rather than sulking, make those decisions right, make them worthwhile, learn from mistakes and vow to never repeat.

You want to remember another price moment from that day? A short one. You were listening to a podcast from the legendary Adam Grant. The topic was about giving advice and there was an instance where the guest speaker was asking Adam that if we ever will come to a point when we say that we have become a best version of our self? To which Adam replied, I hope not because our best version of ourself will always be looking for a better version for our self. A short and powerful learning lesson Aakash. Just keep growing, keep improving, keep learning and keep helping people around you.

So? should we set some expectations now? I hope you're in a nice place right now, happy with all the loved ones around you. You'll go out today splash some money on yourself, buy an outfit for yourself and the lovely lady with your sweet bank account that you got. Got some more time, go out for a vacay dude, you've earned it. Totally. By the way, you've taken move to a lot more places than she has already been right? And your sister? You did good to her, she has done a lot of things for you. Time to give her back more love if not equal. Be good to her. And just call dad if he's not around you at the moment, call him, talk to him, he'll feel good to hear your voice. Although I would love for you to just be around them for the day. But I can understand if you're at her place! *wink* *wink*

Despite the frustration, you’re on your way to making all your dreams come true (probably). By now you've made some come true but the list is so long, you can barely see the end of it.

Keep killing it. You got just two things two figure out till next leap year buddy. Love and Career. Never forget to be grateful.

Peace and love

20 February 2020

P.S Did not want to risk it, using another future mailing service.
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