手紙がすでに送信されました : 21893
差出人: Korean
作成 : 29-11-2020
送信されます : 29-12-2025
To sumayya!
I'm writing this letter in a year that has been trying in the most unexpected of ways. Facing a pandemic, a shitty college, loads of assignments, presentations, exams, feeling light headed and nauseous and very very lost but right now you and i have a warm bed, and a cup of tea. Lets be thankful for that.
I'm writing this, unaware of the future, unaware of how you're living, unaware of your wants and diswants, but i hope that i bring a smile to your face even upto 1%. Actually nah, the sumayya i know would laugh even if i just say 'cute'. I hope you're still cute, i hope you've finally found someone and living that 'rich life' and if not, well I'm still here for that world tour we had decided on.
Huhh this might sound weird (which i am) i usually associate colours with people. When i first saw you, you were red and that was all the warning i needed, because i hated red, red means danger. When i last saw you a few days ago, you were still red and i am blue-on opposite ends of a rainbow, completely different form one another, untouchable. If you mix them you get purple and that's my favourite colour.
I want to ask you so many questions. How are you? Where are you? How has life been treating you? Are you satisfied? Do you have babies? i have to wait for these answers for a few years but i can hope and wish you a good life. Thank you for making my life bearable an GGDC, thank you for making me laugh, thank you for saving me from archimago, although I get tired of your complaints sometimes but i think I'm growing fond of them.
I hope you're alive and reading this and i hope your dumb ass remembers the email and password or else my 15 minutes would be wasted for no good reason. Anyways stay safe, stay healthy, stay happy, stay blessed.

From the past with love, naiyara.
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