手紙がすでに送信されました : 22166
差出人: Robert from the past
作成 : 09-12-2022
送信されます : 30-05-2026
Hey older Robert, what's up, how's it going, did you ever end up getting the placement we wanted(aerospace if you've forgotten). did you ever end up getting any internships or crap like that.

ok now we are done with the boring assignment stuff heres some time capsule-ish questions

did I ever continue with streaming (at this point ive done like 3 or 4 streams)
are you planning to stay in Seattle?
did you continue with intramural sports
STAFF INFECTION just won our first playoff game and are 5-0 (hope we win the title and keep up next year)

metaverse: did that ever happen, I know the zucc was on about it all the time now, but its currently only like shitty roblox games and I couldn't care less
hopefully we are not stuck in vr for eternity

Musk and twitter: hows that going

also did you ever end up making any progress for working for motorsports
hows HAAS looking, both in F1 and nascar

how have 2026 F1 engine regs affected racing(if you are still watching F1)

biggest life stuff right now: moving to seattle for college, not doing well in my classes, looks like sally and alexs are having a kid, so more bsaby cousins

I dont really know what else to talk about

well heres something

have you talked to the boys (Will, Joseph, Felix, and Abdel) i really hope this reminder wasn't needed.

call your mom and dad (they'll like it)

hope you figured out all the mental health shit, that aint going too well to be honest, the suicadal thoughts have subsided, but you know as of now it hasnt gotten worse since that day I almost jumped out a window

I really hope you got all your shit figured out and fixed

I know thats not the best way to end this email, so random sports stuff

how are the Washington: Caps, Nats, Spirit, DC united, Commanders, and Breeze doing?
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