手紙がすでに送信されました : 21893
差出人: Mr. Lee
作成 : 01-10-2014
送信されます : 01-10-2019
Dear Beatrice,

As I am typing this letter, you have just graduated from Fuchun Secondary School. However, this letter would have reached you only in 5 years’ time.
I have been fortunate to be your teacher. While some of you have thanked me for teaching you, I must thank you instead of enriching my life. It is you who have made my life meaningful and my job an enjoyable one. I hope that I am still a teacher by the time you have read this. Thank you for the memories, it will stay with me for a long time to come.

I have lots of hopes and wishes for you when I am typing this letter. I hope you are now doing well in your life. I hope that you are coping well with all the difficulties and complexities in life that you are facing now as you enter in adulthood. I wish you have found meaning in your life and something worth fighting for. I hope that you have managed to find time amidst your busy schedule to spend with your family and show them how much you love them.

As you struggle with the newfound difficulties and complexities in life, my advice to you is to follow your heart and stay true to your moral principles. Some may succeed as they take shortcuts in life, but trust me, not many of such people are able to last long. I wish that my student, you, will not compromise on your moral principles to succeed. To achieve long-term success, you need to put in the required amount of hard work. There is no other alternative.

Life is full of unpredictability. You never know when you will take your last breath. So please, do not leave any regrets in this world. Live each day as if it is your last. Love the world, love your family and love yourself.

You matter to this world. You can soar and achieve. Remember that I believe in you.

I know that you will be ok.

PS: Feel free to contact me at my email sky.junjie@gmail.com or Hp: 93365165 should you wish to stay in touch.

Mr. Lee,
An ordinary teacher who believes in the extraordinary you.

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