手紙がすでに送信されました : 21881
差出人: ZeniaFlower
作成 : 21-10-2014
送信されます : 21-11-2014
Dear me:
Do you remember getting called Dumpling by Hannah Couch, your good friend? And calling her Hannama Bannanama from Panama City? By the time you read this Grandma has probably passed away, but right now she\'s still in the hospital. Alive. I\'m going to miss her. OK, this is just getting depressing, lets talk about my life right now and see how it will transform and change.The boys that as of today I like/hate: Well, I guess I might like Julian Nightser but not a ton. Lets just say I consider him to be flattering. I\'m going to throw out that Boston Tucker is a major jerk, and I don\'t mean that in the way that I would like him. Really, there\'s not many more. That\'s about it.
More facts about me: I\'m in 8th grade advanced math (algebra), and I thoroughly despise it. It\'s all just a jumble of numbers. At home, we just got these adorable little chihuahuas the other night. The darker one is a girl and I named her Melaina. The other one is a light tan color and I call him Bean. He\'s my little bean burrito. :P I like the idea of this website. It\'s kind of exciting. I want to be a stick figure eating doughnut all day...slash a singer or maybe work at the zoo.
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