手紙がすでに送信されました : 21892
差出人: Ella Hummel
作成 : 03-09-2018
送信されます : 17-05-2022
dear ella, BUT FROM THE PAST

Ok. Hello. This is Freshman Ella. It is September third and i am already done with high school. Ok actually i am not. It is super fun so far. Like all of the upperclassmen in your classes, and the class shirts. Also i got instagram this summer and i have been using it for like everything. Even though I snuck snapchat I still had it for a while, but now ill just stick to instagram. There was also a letter I wrote through the school in english class, but i didn't write everything i needed to say. First of all my friend situation needs to change. first of all YOU NEED TO STOP GETTING RUN OVER BY ALL YOUR FRIENDS. like Brenna. She is so MEAN TO YOU. SHE IS SO RUDE. Just let her go. Let your graduation be nice and just clean of all drama and rudeness. This is your time. Audrey Schaefer is super nice, but I mean she said she would start smoking weed with friends, and i just feel like she is going to be a bad person. Like i hope she comes to her senses. Also guard. You better be in freaking guard still or I will hate you. You have so many supportive friends and there would be no reason to quit. If brenna or any other friends made you quit, SHOOT THEM. You deserve happiness. Also you should still be into photography! You are so good and there would be no reason to quit. Start up your instagram page again and start posting! Also i am trying to write again, like write stories. I hope i start that up again well and continue it through sophomore, junior and senior year. I want you to reply to this letter. Like write a letter to past ella and add in all the stuff I wanted you to continue. Or tell me what is going on. I'll get it i promise. Ok. So the stuff that is going on here. Homecoming is coming up on october 6th and i am really excited! It is the first official dance of high school for me and I AM PUMPED. Me and kaitlyn smith were going to go together and prom-pose to each other. I really like her (shhhh) as like more than a friend and I hope you two are still friends (or more than friends :) ) in the next years. I hope she feels the same way lol. AKA too!!! If you forget who AKA is (shame on you!!!) she is Anna Katherine Andrews. She is in guard too (as well as Kaitlyn) and freshman ella likes her too, as more than friends. She (they both are) is so freaking gorgeous and nice and smart. I just love her. I hope she feels the same way too. You should have a girlfriend NOW or in between freshman year and senior year. Yeah, you came out as Bi to like all your friends BUT your parents. Mom and dad think it is so weird liking girls, so im terrified to tell them. But i hope i am gay or at least bi or SOMETHING THAT HAS TO DO WITH GIRLS. Girls are so much better than guys BTW lol. So, just be GAY. We are in the middle of Paradise Found, and our first competition is this weekend! yay! I AM IN LOVE WITH THE SHOW and the music and EVERYTHING. Also i was talking about becoming a snare in either concert band or drumline. I love guard too much to not be in fall because I also want to be a leader. But i deffinatly want you to be a snare or at least a bass drum by senior year. I dont care what just be in band lol. Also you have henry still haha. He is puking a lot lately and seems really depressed, so i hope he doesn't die because I LOVE HIM. Mom and dad are still annoying and i hate them. They take my phone away for no freaking reason and just don't let me be a teenager. They want me to be a thirty year old woman. I get no netflix, no snapchat, no personal insta, no hulu, ALMOST no youtube. Like im not allowed anything. Thanks mom for making me depressed all the time. Yeah, i think i have depression because of them. I already know i have anxiety because of them and just everything. Yeah i am a mess. thanks MOM AND DAD. also brenna and some of my friends have something to do with that. My indy room for paradise found currently is emilia, rysha, and audrey schaefer. I love it and emilia is bringing alcohol, but im not going to drink any, OBVIOUSLY. I want to room with AKA for OBVIOUS REASONS :), but i feel like i should just stay. Its ok,i still have next year lol. Um, music taste! I am listening to Rex orange county, Lunar vacation, passion pit, AJR, and alot more. I currently love indie and alternative music. Spotify's The New Alt is super good, and my playlist, My Freaking Jam (https://open.spotify.com/user/ellanoan4/playlist/ 1egbLbgCDCT2v1LOWQ817W)
is my favorite thing in the whole world. I dont know what i would do without it and the music i listen to. So just listen to that shit and tell me WHAT YOU THINK IT IS AMAZING DONT SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT IT. Ummm i don't know anything else to sayyyyyy. Oh. Right now, or at the moment, I want to become a teacher, grades 3-5. Go to University of Dayton or University of Cincinnati. You should still be into vintage crap and music. Lol. I can't think of anything else, but i want to put EVERYTHING INTO THIS. Well right now i have my phone taken away for a while because of A TEXT I SENT MOM AND DAD. Apparently it had ATTITUDE. But i also gave away my hulu password to brenna (bad choice ella) and that was the most reason why i have it taken away. I just need it back soon. BECUASE I HATE THEM. thanks. Ummmmmm anything elseeeeeee. OH! Keep up with your astronomy or astrology. Zodiac signs. You are a Taurus. Stay that way. You will always be a true taurus. JUST REMEMBER THATTTTTTTT. So. I think that is all. Just write me a letter back telling me about all the stuff that is going on, or that went on sophomore, junior, and senior year. I want to know lol. Ok. I think this is where I will end this letter. Just, stay cool, stay good, and stay GAY.

-past ella :))))))))
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