Labas :)
Taigi, šiandien yra 2013 metų sausio 30 diena. Tikrai nežinau, ką parašyti, bet labai įdomu bus gauti laišką iš praeities :D taigi, baiginėju dvyliktą klasę,...
hey babu,
It’s been four months. Merry Christmas. I hope you’re having a great christmas this year, you can go to our house to celebrate the christmas with us, you’re always welcome here....
Hey Mo.
So you should be graduation high school today or around today. This is the 8th grade you if you didn't remember. I hope you're still reading. Are you still playing guitar, piano or still...
Hey buddy,
I dunno if you actually remember this, because it has been like three years, but three years ago today, you have written to yourself an email letter into the future, for the sheer fun...
Hey, you're 19 now. Congrats, bro. It's 1:23 AM right now :D
I sure hope you scored big on that/those... exam(s)?
Yep. Best of luck.