Dear Hon,
I am not sure when will you receive this email or what will happen to the two of us after I write this email. I feel sad today that's why I am writing this email. I want to tell you a...
Labas Dienas, Aurimas ir Laurynas. Kaip gyvenimas? Gyvenimas yra gražus, gražus kaip paukščių čiulbėjimas. Čiulbėjimas lyg kalbėjimas. Sniegena lyg sniegas, visur gera, šilta ir gražu....
Dear Me Terrance Harvey! I know that you are a living a fullfilling life everyday Like always. Love you man!
Dear Amy,
It's Em here! Hopefully you remember me, otherwise those five years (six?) at school were a waste of time.. I hope you are keeping well, and you aren't feeling too old. Because you are...
Некогда не забывай свою религию Пожелеешь Начни изучать свою религию больше делай намаз не пропуская его...