Hi, it's me again.... feeling the back pain because of my period and feeling uncomfortable with the situations in life...
I think I need to complain less about people especially to other people.....
Dear Future Me,
I can't believe you're already 15...I still remember when you were seven, with your erratic tantrums and (incredibly) round face...
15 is a magical year. Did everything go well?...
Hey Makikou,
It's a strange adventure. I just hope that you are doing great, finally found the real you, found happiness, decided what you really want and maybe even met an amazing girl (because...
Dear future Connor Kennedy, you are a senior now. You have changed so much probably. The first day of freshman year might be a little scary. But since your a senior now you definintly know where...
Labas Eimante,
Ką tu, mažoji Grige? :D
Nieko nesugalvoju, bet nesvarbu.
Ger, čiau :D
Su Velykom :D