You are almost 20!good for me.hopefully life has been good to you.please work at freddyfazebear`s pizza if it is there.You will probably be attacked by the animatronics they will come to life...
С днём рождения ❤️
Не плачь????
Ты ещё любишь Тэону?
А Бтс?
Не сдавайся, ты все сможешь ????
я всё ещё фанатка скарамуччи?..у меня есть брат или сестра?...
svaika austeja miela bendor van gogh
tikiuosi man sekasi gerai. idomu ak gavau dovanu. ai px.
ar ema su martynu dar pora? ji islydejo ji i oro uosta? ar viskas gerai? ant kiek mano sesuo girat...
Think back to freshman year and I hope you are happier now. Remember that there are those few people who care about you.