Hallo ik. Dit ben ik dus op veertien jarige leeftijd, in klas twee zittende met goede vrienden en gelukkige ik. One Direction is echt veelste sexy, Regina en ik zijn helemaal fan van hun! ze...

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How ironic is it to hate someone and still miss her

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Sveika Egle, Praėjo nemažai laiko, ar dar prisimeni Pauliną, šiandien 2012-10-03 prisimeni šią dieną? Tetis parnešė didžiulę vištą kuri tau atrodo...

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Dear Jesse, It's me from the past in Mrs. Olivas' religion class writing to you about your future. First, I have many questions. Are you going into college? Did we make it to broadcasting?...

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to a recent graduate. i'm sorry you wasted your time on someone whose care and love changed with the phases of the moon. they both came in tides, and sometimes i drowned in how much i cared for...

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