Dear FutureMe,
hey you been in love to someone and its the first time you also confess your feeling vice versa, i feel so fuckin kilig about it i dont know why it happen and i dont know how did...
Labas žavi ryžaplauke,
nežinau kodėl taip mėgstu rašyti laiškus ir po kelių metų leisti sau susigraudinti juos beskaitant ar pasidžiaugti, jog dabar yra geriau.
Mūsų laimė tokia...
Mama ! Čia aš (: tavo vienintelė ir nepakartoama dukra (: Sveikinu Tave su 45 gimtadieniu (: Myliu, bučiuoju (: Linkiu , kad atrodytum taip pat gražiai , kaip 42 :) Nes tiesa, dabar 2012-09-09...
To my dearest Rock,
It is your 2nd birthday since we first dated, and sadly, i am no longer there beside you to celebrate this awesome day with you. A lot has been going on in my mind, i doubt...
Dear joan
my favorite part of 6th grade was making many friends we may have played around in class but they were always there to make me laugh even tho they talked bad about me they didn't...