Labas mama, sendien yra 2011 metu rugsejo 28 diena. Rasau tau laiska i ateiti nes manau kad tikrai tave nudziuginsiu. Man sendien yra 15 metu oras kaip ir turi buti rudeni sendien buvau grybaut....
3:15 EST, Saturday, July 26, 2020
I fucking hate you. The idea of your existence makes me feel disgusted with myself and any time that I spent with or around you makes me wish I could...
Ho ho ho!Tau raso Santa is Laplandijos
Santa nori tave pasveikint su taip visus metus lauktom Sv.Kaledom!
Santa nori rau palinket per sias KALEDAS kepti daug daug imbieriniu...
Привет, это еще одно письмо, ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ!!читай с друзьями!! Так эта с др с 18 летием как там что случилось ,...
Hey future self! You'll probably you forgot you wrote this, because i'll probably forget in 5 minutes. You just wrote one of these in English class, filled with a bunch of random stuff. I think you...