Dear Me,
I miss you <3 . I want you to know that the avatar movie is coming out soon and I plan to watch it. My first year at UW I took a Fig (f) class, psych 101, Global health, Global health...
Hi, Chi! Please take a selfie once you receive this. Hahaha. I just want to see your happy face again. I don't know how you managed to be tough while being fragile. (Wew, you know what I mean.) I...
Keep calm and carry on. You're more important than you think, just do what makes you happy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
-Your past self
Dear FutureMe,
Happy gadgets day
Labas, Mantai!
Nežinau, ar visdar esame kartu ar jau visai pamiršęs mane. :) Tiesiog įdomu parašyti tau, nes šiuo metu (2011 m.) mes bandome kažką lipdyti. Prabuvome 2 metus, tada taip...