Hey man, I don't know if you're still going to be in college after 4 years or If you're gonna drop out or what but here are some of my questions. Is your major still polisci? Did you find any...

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Dear Dontae, You might not believe this, but it\'s you from the past and you should be receiving this around the time of you 12th grade graduation. So give me a second to remind you of...

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Labas žavi ryžaplauke, nežinau kodėl taip mėgstu rašyti laiškus ir po kelių metų leisti sau susigraudinti juos beskaitant ar pasidžiaugti, jog dabar yra geriau. Mūsų laimė tokia...

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What would the kid you once were think about the adult you now are?

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yo boys were back with anotha vlog, we just chiilin yanno my g.i already know u gettin the big bucks dog. my girl, she be lookin fine shes called samantha. im still playing football and i hope to...

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