Labas, Robertiniu :}
čia tau rašo Ievutė iš 2011;) Tikiuos puikiai laikaisi ;))
sveikinu su gimtadieniu ir kviečiu obuolių pyrago su ledais paragaut!!!
gražiausi linkėjimai :)*
Nusišypsok, Egle..
Šiandien Tavo diena ir juk pati zinai, jog tai kas buvo niekada nesugražinsi, o tai kas bus Tau niekada nepaiks, tad nedvėjok ir daryk, tai ką nori :}
Dear FutureMe,
How are you? Do you still alive? You must be fine, okay! I'm yourself 1 year ago.... I'm sure you don't forget about it. remember all about it, don't you?
Okay. The...
Hi, it's me again.... feeling the back pain because of my period and feeling uncomfortable with the situations in life...
I think I need to complain less about people especially to other people.....
Hey Tami, It feels weird to call you that,,,
Over the past 3 years you have done a lot! You figured out how to coach people virtually and keep themselves motivated along the process. You've...