Today dated 12th December, 3:23am. My eyes wide open and trying to figure out how on the 24th December will be like, knowing fully well it is a major determinant of my decision for the year 2020....

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Hey, my future me! :) Although there's only two-year difference between you and me, I bet you have forgotten all about this letter, haven't you? :):) Yes you did :)P Soooo, happy 27th birthday,...

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Dear Olive, We have only met twice, and you are currently 10 months old. You are really cute though! And I fell in love with you the second I saw you... instantly. I cant wait to know how you...

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Hi, Sam look I know you already know I like you but I never talk to you....well that's because I'm to shy..I want to talk to you but I can't..and my friend Emely asked you out and she's a cool girl...

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Sveika, mieloji Mama, šį laišką rašau 2011-09-22, o tu turėtum jį skaityti 2021 metais, per savo gimtadienį :) keistoka, bet įdomu. Skaitydama šį laišką turbūt gryši prisiminimais į...

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