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Привет! Сейчас 4 октября 2011, вторник, ты сидишь на работе и тебе скучно. А сейчас , Марина, ты работаешь в...

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Dear future me, I was writing more than usual today and had uncommon thoughts coming to me like running horses. I was not especially happy but just full of emotions, I had plans for the future...

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Firstly give each other a kiss considering you brushed your teeth as it smells like someone broke in last night and took a shit in your mouth... Hows the kid/s? pretty certain you\'re going to...

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Hi Resti, 5 years from ago, you are working at DSSC tech. and you received the attached message. The stupid son of your boss. plus currently your son is at the hospital with fever and bacterial...

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