Rašyti laišką sau į ateitį..ok, tai keista idėja, bet, manau, bent šiandien tai vienas smagiausių atradimų. Tad, labas.
Šiandien 2011 09 16. Jaučiuosi lyg mėnesį...
I will destroy myself. I will be friends with Shehnur. I will play the new game \'Kill yourself\'. I will marry Shefko with Aneta. I will become the president of the USA. I will watch \'The walking...
rašiau šį laišką 2011 rugsėjo 11 d. dabar svajoju nusipirkti mašiną. Ar nusipirkau per savo gimtadienį?
Dear Olive,
We have only met twice, and you are currently 10 months old. You are really cute though! And I fell in love with you the second I saw you... instantly. I cant wait to know how you...
Dear Future Me,
Though I am too lazy to learn vocabulary by heart, there are some ways to help media like to listen to music which is sung in English. It makes me easy and relaxes to develop a...