Dear Rohan from 2021,
This is your buddy from 2020. I hope corona is gone. That shit bothered a lot. And I so goddamn hope that I've achieved something by 2021. Just a few things is all....
wazzzzzaaaaaap :DD
Jim Moriarty. Hiii.
Okey, hei, Asta. Kaip gyvenims? :D
Yes, yes you are rigth, you didn't got letter from Hogwarts. too bad. Well fuck it, gavai laišką nuo manęs :D
sveikute Prieš akis iškyla tos dar nerūpestingos vasaros, kai pabudus ryte už praverto lango galėdavi išgirsti šurmulį. Kartais jis erzindavo, bet prisipažinsiu, kad dabar velniškai jo...
მინდა რო იყოს მშვიდობა, სტაბილურობა, 3 დღეში ჩემი დაბადების დღეა, რამდენიმე...
Dear FutureMe,
Hi! It's High School Senior Cammy! It's been 3 years, I wonder how you're doing now? I really hope you're doing well... Have you met the guy of your dreams yet or are you still that...