Today dated 12th December, 3:23am.
My eyes wide open and trying to figure out how on the 24th December will be like, knowing fully well it is a major determinant of my decision for the year 2020....
Am, rašau su viltimi, kad pamiršus esi visus sunkumus kuriuos išgyvenu dabar. Tikiuosi skautuose esi pasiekusi daug ir sėkmingai turi savo būrelį skautukų. Jei ne, tuoj pat grįšk, nes tai...
Письмо будущему мне, от меня из прошлого
Ночь. Сегодняшний я. Мне 28 лет. Сейчас сижу в селе Ни******чи....
Dear Mills, I hope ure now old enough to prioritise what's really important to you. At this age, ure still spending so much money and taking part in street races which are pretty childish. I know...