Kære Vivi.
Hvordan går det? I dag er det d. 10. Februar 2013. Du bliver snart student. Tingene er lidt stresset for tiden. Vi er i gang med at øve lancier til Galla d. 1. marts.
Far ringede...
Хей, привет, Андрей! На момент, когда я отправлю, мне скоро 15. Ты получишь его где-то в 25 году, если доживешь,...
Dear me:
Do you remember getting called Dumpling by Hannah Couch, your good friend? And calling her Hannama Bannanama from Panama City? By the time you read this Grandma has probably passed away,...
Nusišypsok, Egle..
Šiandien Tavo diena ir juk pati zinai, jog tai kas buvo niekada nesugražinsi, o tai kas bus Tau niekada nepaiks, tad nedvėjok ir daryk, tai ką nori :}
hey babu,
It’s been four months. Merry Christmas. I hope you’re having a great christmas this year, you can go to our house to celebrate the christmas with us, you’re always welcome here....