Dear Future Me, I saw a ticktock of a guy who wrote a letter to himself three years into the future... So i decided to do that as well. Its Wednesday, May 20th 2020 i'm in 9th grade and were...

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wfijefijedifjerwijgijgierjgfierjijfderigh8rhfjdsdk kkkkss.s.adke3rfk,dslfueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehfyyye ww

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Dear me, This year I start grade 9 and I’m not so excited because I love being able to sleep all day and do things I like to during days. But after this year I’m going to leave...

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Hello Nicky I hope I still know you.....

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hi sarvagya kesa hai kya hal chal hai.This is d way u r sending letter to yourself.wish u a best of luck for ur CA exams. u will definitely become CA in 1st attempt so try ur level best n be a CA...

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