Sveika, šeimyna :) Kaip gyvenat? Kaip laikotės? Rašau aš, Agnė iš praeities :) šiandien 2011.09.21 22:39. Siunčiu linkėjimus į ateitį. Visada norėjau Jums padėkoti, kad mane...

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Hello, I'm Currently 25 years old, and living with David, and Amber. I Work at and COTG. Me and Amber broke up yesterday, which is fine. I am hoping I end up with Chrissy...

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Hey, my future me! :) Although there's only two-year difference between you and me, I bet you have forgotten all about this letter, haven't you? :):) Yes you did :)P Soooo, happy 27th birthday,...

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to a recent graduate. i'm sorry you wasted your time on someone whose care and love changed with the phases of the moon. they both came in tides, and sometimes i drowned in how much i cared for...

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Hey babe I Love you so very much! I hope you are having a great day

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