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Dear Future me, June 7, 2021 3:15PM While you are writing you thought your phone doesn't have enough signal for internet not to received messages but only to find out wala ragud siya ni reply...

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The summer is over and I hope that you have achieved everything that you set out to for your role as OL. I hope that you gained that new perspective, made new friends, and learned more about the...

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sveikas Žygi (as), rasau tau is praeities, jei atmintis slubuoja, patikrink svetaine ir suprasi, jog nemeluoju :) tikiuosi neprasigeriai ir kryptingai sieki savo tikslu, o...

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Hi, mein lieber Wal :) Ich wollte dir nur sagen, wie sehr ich dich liebe (immer noch!! Hoffe ich jedenfalls:D) Falls du eine neue Freundin hast, dann richte ihr bitte aus, dass ich sie hasse ;)...

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